A healthy outside starts with a healthy inside!  



“For years I have craved sugary foods, but didn’t know why. When I saw the local community center was offering a program on Stressed Out Bodies; Cravings, What Are These About I was intrigued to learn more. Michelle Sanderbeck's presentation helped me to understand why my body was craving certain foods and how to give my body the food and nutrients it needs so that I won’t crave the foods that I know that are not good for my health.” Andrew S.


"The long term benefits of homeopathy to the patient is that is not only alleviates the presenting symptoms but it reestablishes internal order at the deepest levels and thereby provides a lasting cure." 

George Vithoulkas


"Homeopathy… cures a larger percentage of cases than any other treatment and is beyond a doubt a safer more economical and the most complete medical science.” 

Mahatama Ghandi


Joanne S. says: I was quite pleased with the whole experience. Look forward to my next appointment.

Great Lunch and Learn

Michelle S

"We believe being healthy does NOT require a prescription.” 

Michelle Sanderbeck, ND

Quantum Bio-Feedback

 Our Very Own

"Be Well"

Tuesday Special 

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Quantum Bio-Feedback

deep relaxation and well being 

Quantum Biofeedback is wonderful for deep relaxation and well being.

The easiest way to really understand what Quantum Biofeedback can do is to think in terms of stresses or stressors – all those things we’re born with or happen to us or that get into the body from the environment that may cause dis-ease.

The function of Quantum Biofeedback is similar to that of a virus-scan on a computer. It finds the energetic imbalances of stressors such as viruses, nutritional imbalances, allergies, abnormalities, and food sensitivities by calculating the biological reactivity and resonance in your body. 

What is Stress and how can it be relieved?

Stress is any experience that taxes an individual’s energy or well-being; stress may be physical, mental, or emotional.

Stress is defined as a nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it, which results in symptoms such as rise in the blood pressure, release of hormones, quickness of breath, tightening of muscles, perspiration, and increased cardiac activity.

Stress is not necessarily negative. Some stress keeps us motivated and alert. However, too much stress can trigger problems with mental and physical health, particularly over a prolonged period of time.

Anything that relieves mundane stress on a daily basis, such as relaxation, can help.

However, Hans Selye, a Hungarian medical scientist, was the first to use the word “stress” in connection with a picture of health wellness. His theory is that when the body reacts to stress, it creates an “alarm” response. If not recognized, stress will progress from an alarm reaction to resistance, exhaustion (the appearance of symptoms) and considerable weakened system, disease, degeneration and death.

Stress comes in many forms, physical, mental or emotional. Regardless of the primary source of the stress the body reacts to stress the same way. So discovering the primary source of stress is critical.

Obviously, reducing stress is a key to well-being. Relaxation helps, but how do we know where stress may be hiding in the adapted or exhausted states physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Quantum Biofeedback is a technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals from their own body. Biofeedback can reveal the specific stressors which can be the underlying issues surrounding your body’s ability to heal. With the help of the Quantum Biofeedback system, we can painlessly and non-invasively look at reactions to common stressors and begin to piece the picture together.

Most people find the biofeedback experience relaxing, soothing and beneficial. The side effects of biofeedback may include these possibilities (and many more that may be experienced):


  • Ability to relax more quickly
  • Deeper state of relaxation during sleep
  • Easier to fall asleep and stay asleep
  • Reduction of stress and hypertension
  • Improved general health
  • Increase in amount of calmness and peacefulness
  • Reduction of anger
  • Less fearfulness
  • Fewer anxiety attacks
  • Amelioration of sorrow
  • Reduction of the depth of depression

  • Heightened muscle mobility
  • Enhanced mental clarity
  • Able to pay attention more consistently
  • Better focus of attention
  • Deeper concentration and enhanced memory
  • Less attention to pain and stressors
  • Less concentration on pain and stressors
  • Fewer feelings of pain and stress
  • Less intense focus on pain and stressors
  • Less intensity of any pain or any stress
  • More able to manage stress and pain

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